R3V Facilitator Update Week 44

My focus since our last update has been to build our connections and insights into the question of attainable housing and support trust and community building. 

Housing Working Group 

  • Talked with 
    • Derek Sherrell, Talent planning commissioner, about promoting ADU development
    • Margaret Van Vliet of Trillium Advisors about attainable housing.
    • Joe Vollmar and Carrie Bogen of ACCESS about housing navigation and intake processes
    • Hosted reports on the work of CASA and Housing Authority of Jackson County and a panel discussion on policy changes that might support the development of more attainable housing in Southern Oregon. Recording available here.
  • Represented R3V at the Gateway project ribbon cutting ceremony.
  • Supporting LTRG Housing and Construction subcommittee as it seeks new leadership

Community Rebuilding Working Group

  • Ongoing project work outlined and clarified between LTRG and R3V here
  • Supporting JCC LTRG monthly newsletter production and distribution
  • Facilitated an Adult Spanish Literacy lessons community discussion in partnership with Listo, OnTrack, JCLS, and Lilia Caballero
  • Supported Zone Captains with training development
  • Working to facilitate conversations around intake and accessibility with ACCESS and Latino/a/x community leaders.
  • Talked with Jonathan Chavez-Baez on a variety of community rebuilding collaboration opportunities.

Backbone Organization for Collective Impact

  • R3V Dashboard published for transparency and continuous communication.
  • Steering committee will convene an ad hoc planning team to envision our next 6-12 months to inform how we will us the $70,000 grant for 2022 from OCF “to facilitate and coordinate collaboration across organizations involved in fire recovery in the interest of community transformation towards our values of efficiency, equity, and inclusion.“
  • Next Collective Impact meeting will be on 11/17 Agenda:
    • Economic Recovery update and next steps
    • Panelists from SOREDI, Ashland Food Coop, SBDC, RWP, BBSI, TURA, Zone Captains, Rotary – Guy Tauer, Rogue Community Health re hiring challenges?

As ever, please invite anyone in our community who you think should be included in our conversations. Here’s a list of all our upcoming events.

Please reach out,

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Posted in Facilitator Updates.