Southern Oregon Housing Market Studies

As we look for ways to support the development of a variety of housing options to meet the needs of Rogue Valley residents, we have compiled a list of relevant online resources.  

We are happy to share what we’ve found interesting and useful and hope that you will contact us if there are any important studies we should consider adding to our list.

HUD & State of Oregon Studies on Housing and Southern Oregon

Implementing a Regional Housing Needs Analysis Methodology in Oregon: Approach, Results and Initial Recommendations.

  • Jackson County data is on page 405.
  • House Bill 2003, adopted in 2019 during our affordable housing crisis. 
  • House Bill 2003 envisions Oregon’s housing planning system to be reformed focusing on a more comprehensive approach
    • Support and enable the construction of sufficient units to accommodate current populations and projected household growth
    • Reduce geographic disparities in access housing, especially affordable and publicly supported housing.

HUD Housing Impact Assessment Oregon Wildfires and Straight-Line Winds (DR-4562-OR)

  • An overview of the impacted areas, the pre and post-disaster housing environment. 
  • Shares some insights gathered from stakeholders that are crucial to a successful recovery. 
  • Provides several key recovery considerations that could be useful for long-term planning. 
  • Identifies some of the housing resources that may aid in planning and strategic thinking.

City of Medford

Community Development Block Grant Program: 2021/22 Action Plan

  • Expand and Improve Affordable Housing Options
    • Expand housing options for all economic and demographic segments of Medford’s population with o focus on households with their income at or below 80% of HAMFI
  • Support and Strengthen Homeless Services and Housing
    • Expand services that address Homelessness in Medford 
  • Increase Opportunities for Low to Moderate Income and Special Needs Residents to become Self-Sustaining 
  • Improve Quality of Life through Neighborhood Revitalization
  • Support and Promote Community and Economic Development Efforts that Support Economic Stability 

Downtown Housing and Residential Market Analysis Study: By Johnson Economics 

  • Medford is seeking to expand their residential development in its downtown area. 
  • Its current residential inventory and market conditions
  • Market dynamics that influence the residential development opportunities

Projects funded by Oregon Housing and Planning Program 

  • Map and Key on current housing projects in Oregon

Oregon Disaster Housing Recovery Action Plan: June 2021

  • The Disaster Housing Recover Action Plan (DHRAP) provides a roadmap for the State of Oregon to aid impacted communities in their work addressing the housing disaster. 
  • These plans help maximize the available resources to benefit as many impacted Oregonians as possible.

City of Phoenix

Phoenix Housing Plan

  • An  ordinance of the City of Phoenix repealing the existing housing element and adopting a new housing element of its comprehensive plan. 

Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element

  • Describe the desired land development plan within the City’s Urban Growth Boundary over the next 20 years
    • How much urban land will be needed?
    • The ideal arrangement or distribution of the different types of development 

City Of Phoenix Zoning Map

City of Talent

Housing Needs Analysis, 2017-2037

  • Projecting the amount of land needed to accommodate the future housing needs of all types within the Talent Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)
  • Evaluate the existing land supply 
  • Fulfil state planning requirements for next 20 years
  • Identify policies for the City to meet housing needs

Talent Buildable Lands Inventory

  • Established the residential land base, zoning
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