Our Common Agenda on Housing
The focus of our work will be to support R3V impact on systemic opportunities to improve the diversity, resilience, and sustainability of housing options in the Rogue Valley, especially as they serve to meet the needs of low-income households (<80% Area Median Income (AMI)) and working families (80-120% AMI). Ideally, we support our community in creating housing options that allow more residents to build equity in their housing as they work toward the dream of full home ownership.
Chair Person
Interim – Stephen Sloan
- Land Availability – how to support the development of housing for working families? Project details are here.
- Distributed Housing Options / ADU – how to add more housing options within our urban growth boundaries? ADU info here
- Shared Equity Models – cooperative housing and community land trusts as ways to support residents in their quest to build equity and generational wealth.
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Projects in our community held by the LTRG and R3V
Click here to view a list of community rebuilding projects across our community and who is leading each effort.