ECONorthwest put together a very useful list of options for easing the development of affordable housing that might be extended to the development of attainable housing as well. View the document here.
Author Archive: R3V
Southern Oregon Housing Market Studies
As we look for ways to support the development of a variety of housing options to meet the needs of Rogue Valley residents, we have compiled a list of relevant online resources. We are happy to share what we’ve found interesting and useful and hope that you will contact us if there are any important […]
Expand Access to Spanish Adult Literacy Project
R3V has been honored to help facilitate a conversation among community partners seeking to expand opportunities for Spanish-speaking adults to gain basic literacy and numeracy skills to improve their work prospects. The goal is to create a feeder system to expansion of Head Start’s LISTO family literacy program. Partners LISTO program of Head Start OnTrack […]
R3V Collective Impact Meeting – Economic Recovery – December 1, 2021
We had a great panel discussion with updates on Economic Recovery this week. We also discussed our Land Availability Project. Our economic recovery panelists included: Colleen/Terrill, SOREDI Marshall Doak, SBDC Jon Legarza, TURA Tucker Teutsch, Remake Talent, Business Zone Captains Marta Tarantsey, Business Oregon Some questions we are asking our community leaders are: What progress […]
Find Land For Affordable and Attainable Housing
Goal To work as a community to connect with land owners who might be interested in making To support mission-driven landowners (faith-based organizations, governments, educational institutions, business, etc.) in thoughtfully pursuing affordable and attainable housing development on their properties. Context As we know, the fires of 2020 destroyed nearly 1,700 affordable and attainable homes in […]
Creating Sustainable Long-Term Recovery: It Takes All of Us
We’re so happy to support these people and their efforts turning tragedy into transformation! Long term recovery and sustainability. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” -Rahm Emanuel
Community-Driven Leadership
We partnered with Southern Oregon Climate Action Now (SOCAN) and had a great discussion with Ashland city leaders Mayor Julie Akins and Interim City Manager Gary Milliman it was moderated by Stephen Bárczay Sloan of the Humane Leadership Institute and Local Innovation Works. We explored ideas on how the community can work with city staff […]
Local Partners Support Almeda Fire Recovery Zone Captains
Here’s a great video from The Mail Tribune on some of our work in the community. Zone captains work to connect neighbors in the fire affected areas to each other, to important information, and to resources to help speed recovery. Zone captains is a partnership with founding organization, Remake Talent and Rogue Workforce Partnership who […]
R3V Facilitator Update Week 44
My focus since our last update has been to build our connections and insights into the question of attainable housing and support trust and community building. Housing Working Group Talked with Derek Sherrell, Talent planning commissioner, about promoting ADU development Margaret Van Vliet of Trillium Advisors about attainable housing. Joe Vollmar and Carrie Bogen of […]
R3V Collective Impact Meeting – Attainable Housing – October 27, 2021
This week we have a great discussion panel with updates on affordable housing development pipeline, the CASA project, a modular housing project update and Attainable Housing Factors.
Jump directly to the panel discussion via this link